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January 2020 Demonstratives: Tutorials ThemeVision helps simplify complicated information. We can create compelling tutorials that break down intricate subject matter into more easily understood “chunks.” For example, this tutorial conveyed how differences in different agencies’ processing dates would result in delays. A ThemeVision graphics tutorial can be instrumental for the decision maker’s understanding of the … more »
A good presentation combines words, images, and symbols, to inform, educate, and persuade. It not only captures the reader’s attention, but leads them through a series of steps to understand and interpret your message to form a lasting impression.
November 2019 Trial Presentation: ThemeVision has TrialDirector® certified consultants to help you professionally present your case during a trial, hearing or mediation.TrialDirector is a leading trial presentation software for organizing and presenting case documents and videos in court.David Bartholomew, ThemeVision’s graphics and presentation consultant, said “TrialDirector certification is a great addition to ThemeVision’s graphics and … more »
October 2019 Demonstratives: Incident Scene Graphics ThemeVision is often called upon to help trial teams show the scene of an incident. Photos are often useful for this purpose, but in many cases photos aren’t available or don’t portray the entire picture. For example, this incident occurred on multiple floors with walls and other barriers making … more »
September 2019 Demonstratives: Timelines Use timelines to communicate trial themes In a recent case, ThemeVision helped by creating a thematic timeline where non-compete agreements in a medical practice partnership were at issue. ThemeVision’s timeline not only provided a chronology of events, but also wove together numerous documents to visually and thematically tell the story of … more »