Who shows up for jury duty?

A few months ago, my colleague Dennis Devine wrote about the bad rap jury service seems to have, and how so many folks want to get out of it. It got me thinking – are there trends in who even shows up for jury service? The quick answer to that is, yes! Tons of evidence... read more
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Science on Trial: Nationwide Views on Science and Scientific Evidence in 2022

Attitudes about science have become part of a national conversation. We are regularly barraged with all sorts of “scientific” findings that have implications for our physical and mental well-being as well as our behavior as consumers. And nearly every U.S. adult has had to make a decision about getting vaccinated for COVID. The flurry of health and safety-related recommendations flowing from scientific research has triggered a loud and at times rancorous public dialog about the value of science. This raises an overarching question: Do people trust science?
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Holiday Jury Verdicts: ‘Tis the Season “ForGiving”

we cannot truly know whether the spirit of holiday generosity resounded in the minds of jurors, whether consciously or not. Nevertheless even without the backing of hard science, there is the strong perception of a “holiday effect” upon jurors, and attorneys would be wise to contemplate it during this time of the year, lest they be left with a “Bah humbug!” of a verdict.
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Jury Trials in the COVID-19 Era

COVID-19 has dominated all facets of life in the last four months. How courts will handle jury trials in the coming months has been a topic of particular interest to the legal community.
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