Who shows up for jury duty?

A few months ago, my colleague Dennis Devine wrote about the bad rap jury service seems to have, and how so many folks want to get out of it. It got me thinking – are there trends in who even shows up for jury service? The quick answer to that is, yes! Tons of evidence... read more
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Holiday Jury Verdicts: ‘Tis the Season “ForGiving”

we cannot truly know whether the spirit of holiday generosity resounded in the minds of jurors, whether consciously or not. Nevertheless even without the backing of hard science, there is the strong perception of a “holiday effect” upon jurors, and attorneys would be wise to contemplate it during this time of the year, lest they be left with a “Bah humbug!” of a verdict.
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Jury Selection and Trial by Zoom

This new platform is demanding lawyers develop new performance and advocacy skills. In our latest ThemeVision Focus video - check out this interview with Amy M. Stewart who represented a party in one of the country's first Zoom trials during the pandemic. Learn more about her experience and the potential for video conference trials to change the way we operate.
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Who is Keyser Soze (in Your Jury)?

In the classic 1995 film, The Usual Suspects, Keyser Soze (pronounced Kaiser So-zay) is a shadowy, larger-than-life character. His unseen, ubiquitous presence directs and controls the actions of an assembled group like some nefarious puppet-master. The central question of the film is: Who is Keyser Soze? Let’s consider how this mystical character is relevant to... read more
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