Who shows up for jury duty?

A few months ago, my colleague Dennis Devine wrote about the bad rap jury service seems to have, and how so many folks want to get out of it. It got me thinking – are there trends in who even shows up for jury service? The quick answer to that is, yes! Tons of evidence... read more
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Stolle on Jury Trial Decline

New data reveals meaningful differences of opinion between lawyers and judges about jury trials. Many lawyers and judges have lamented the decline of jury trials over time. But, nobody has really answered the question of exactly why it’s happening. New survey data shows lawyers and judges don’t necessarily agree on why jury trials have been... read more
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COVID and Judge-Jury Agreement

The Psychology of Trying Your Civil Case to a Judge Instead of to a Jury With the pandemic, should you waive your right to a jury to help move your case forward to trial? In this 3-minute ThemeVision LLC video, Dr. Stolle addresses the psychology of how judges and juries think about cases differently, and... read more
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Jury Trials in the COVID-19 Era

COVID-19 has dominated all facets of life in the last four months. How courts will handle jury trials in the coming months has been a topic of particular interest to the legal community.
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