The COVID Effect Part 2: Measuring the Impact on Juror Perspectives

Jury trials are starting up again—but the world has changed. ThemeVision recently conducted a national survey of 532 U.S. adults to assess the impact of COVID and other 2020 events on civil juries. We previously reported that about half the people we surveyed said they were either unwilling or unable to serve in an in-person... read more
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Ten Tips for Litigators on Working with a Graphic Artist

Today’s litigators recognize the importance of using good visuals to help tell their client’s story. Appreciating and harnessing the power of effective storytelling at trial can have an impact on the outcome. Visual storytelling, with graphics or demonstratives, can help trial lawyers deliver their client’s story in a more compelling and persuasive way, helping judges and jurors better understand the evidence.
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‘War Room’ Safety – Staying safe in your team work space at trial during the COVID pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has moved much of the business of courts around the country online. Some courts are continuing to delay and even shut down jury trials completely. Here are a couple of recent examples noted by my ThemeVision colleague Dennis Stolle.
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Confident Communication Part 4

Asking questions is an important part of being a lawyer no matter what your practice area. Asking GOOD questions can sometimes be a challenge. What if you’re at trial? Or speaking with a client? Learn more about the strategy behind good questions in this ThemeVision Focus video.
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Confident Communication: Part 3

Sometimes a few simple tools and tricks can make all the difference in your video conference calls. How can you point to important sections in documents or review documents more efficiently during a video conference? What about good lighting? These are all important questions as we try to balance presenting our best selves as lawyers and working from home. Watch this video from a former journalist turned lawyer for a few ‘life hacks’ to help you approach your next video conference call with confidence. 
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