Strategizing for Trial – Post-Pandemic

The pandemic and other big world events have all had an impact on how juries see our cases and even on the role of witnesses and how to approach them. Developing trial strategy in a post-COVID world is different than it was before the pandemic and we still don’t know the full impact and where jurors’ perspectives on the world will settle. In Trisha Volpe’s latest ThemeVision Focus interview Barnes & Thornburg LLP litigator, trial attorney and soon-to-be managing partner Andy Detherage weighs in on getting ready for trial post-pandemic.
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The COVID Effect Part 2: Measuring the Impact on Juror Perspectives

Jury trials are starting up again—but the world has changed. ThemeVision recently conducted a national survey of 532 U.S. adults to assess the impact of COVID and other 2020 events on civil juries. We previously reported that about half the people we surveyed said they were either unwilling or unable to serve in an in-person... read more
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About Half: New Data on COVID and Jury Pools

ThemeVision’s Nationwide SurveyThemeVision is a litigation consulting firm that counsels clients on jury decision making and conducts jury research in cases around the country. We obtained a diverse, national sample of responses from 532 U.S. adults (locations shown above). Our questions fell into several buckets: COVID-19 has cast a long shadow over the courts for... read more
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