Emotionally Charged Jury Decision-making?

It can be a factor in big verdicts in many types of cases, but can emotion and how jurors feel about the parties tip the scales in family disputes? In this ThemeVision Focus video, ThemeVision turned to Barnes & Thornburg Chicago partner and veteran trial attorney David Ritter (David Ritter on LinkedIn) for his thoughts on jury trials in family disputes and a recent case. Here’s some perspective on the unique trial strategy and storytelling that goes into jury trials involving family disputes.
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Strategizing for Trial – Post-Pandemic

The pandemic and other big world events have all had an impact on how juries see our cases and even on the role of witnesses and how to approach them. Developing trial strategy in a post-COVID world is different than it was before the pandemic and we still don’t know the full impact and where jurors’ perspectives on the world will settle. In Trisha Volpe’s latest ThemeVision Focus interview Barnes & Thornburg LLP litigator, trial attorney and soon-to-be managing partner Andy Detherage weighs in on getting ready for trial post-pandemic.
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Trial Storytelling During COVID 2

Telling your client’s story at trial in a compelling and persuasive way is what trial lawyers do. While the pandemic has delayed most jury trials, the courts are opening up and many trials have moved forward in the last year, some virtually and some with a virtual/in-person twist. How can you still be effective and engage with the jury when trial doesn’t look like it used to? In this ThemeVision Focus video, watch Trisha Volpe’s interview with top Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP trial attorney Nancy Erfle who conducted a recent jury selection via Zoom and was part of the team trying the case in person. Here’s her perspective on trial storytelling during the pandemic and whether some aspect of the virtual trial is here to stay.
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Ten Tips for Litigators on Working with a Graphic Artist

Today’s litigators recognize the importance of using good visuals to help tell their client’s story. Appreciating and harnessing the power of effective storytelling at trial can have an impact on the outcome. Visual storytelling, with graphics or demonstratives, can help trial lawyers deliver their client’s story in a more compelling and persuasive way, helping judges and jurors better understand the evidence.
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‘War Room’ Safety – Staying safe in your team work space at trial during the COVID pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has moved much of the business of courts around the country online. Some courts are continuing to delay and even shut down jury trials completely. Here are a couple of recent examples noted by my ThemeVision colleague Dennis Stolle.
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Jury Selection and Trial by Zoom

This new platform is demanding lawyers develop new performance and advocacy skills. In our latest ThemeVision Focus video - check out this interview with Amy M. Stewart who represented a party in one of the country's first Zoom trials during the pandemic. Learn more about her experience and the potential for video conference trials to change the way we operate.
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